black gold sifted compost

Across the planet earth an amazing process is continuously taking place. Food leftovers and yard waste are undergoing a process of rebirth, being set out to decompose with the help of fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms and then recycled as fresh healthy soil again. Earthworms and an assortment of insects do their part mixing the plant and animal matter together. The result is a marvelous, rich, and crumbly layer of organic matter we call compost, nature’s gift to the gardener.

Benefits of Compost

Compost encourages earthworms and other beneficial organisms whose activities help plants grow strong and healthy. It provides nutrients and improves the soil. Wet clay soils drain better and sandy soils hold more moisture if amended with compost. A compost pile keeps organic matter handy for garden use and, as an added advantage, keeps the material from filling up overburdened landfills.


How to Make Compost

Start with a six-inch layer of chopped leaves, grass clippings and kitchen waste and whatever else is available (ideas for what to compost). Then cover it with three to six inches of soil, manure, or finished compost.Alternate layers of organic matter and layers of soil until the pile is about three feet tall.

A pile that is three feet tall by three feet square will generate enough heat during decomposition to sterilize the compost. This makes it useful as a potting soil, topdressing for lawns, or soil-improving additive.

Your compost pile may benefit from a compost activator. Activators get the pile working, and speed the process. Alfalfa meal, barnyard manure, bonemeal, cottonseed meal, blood meal, and good rich compost from a finished pile are all good activators. Each time you add a layer to your pile, sprinkle on some activator and water well.


Making a Compost Bin

Many types of compost bins are available at your local garden center. Some of these have devices for turning and removing compost. Although these bins make turning easier and are more convenient, they aren’t necessary. An enclosure made from chicken wire or five wood pallets (one for the bottom and one for each side) does the job just as well.
Follow Earth ‘s board DIY Compost Bin Ideas on Pinterest.


Check out our other posts on composting:

Maintaining Your Compost

Compost Troubleshooting